Welcome to Rez Rising
Find what you need among 600+ Native American owned small businesses.
There are over 646 listings for you to search from.
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Support local economies by connecting with Native American owned businesses across the Southwest.
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 Fort Defiance Chapter
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Western Navajo Agency
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Finding Native businesses
doesn’t have to be hard.
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List your business, get more customers
With our long history of bartering and trade, indigenous communities have been at the forefront of entrepreneurship and creativity for centuries. List your business on Rez Rising to connect with new customers and represent your community, whether you’re a flea market vendor looking to sell to your neighbors down the road or an artist hoping to gain customers in New York City.
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Rez Rising mobile app
The Rez Rising mobile app keeps location and contact information for Native businesses at your fingertips. Want to find the best fry bread in town? A pair of earrings for your mother’s birthday? A Native-led tour of a slot canyon? Look on Rez Rising.